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The woman will be in charge of the major decisions in the relationship and will have more power. For a long time, it was considered unacceptable in society for a woman to take the lead in a relationship. However, as society progresses, males and females are being treated equally in relationships, allowing couples to choose who is most suited to take the lead.
 Both the man and the woman need to accept that the female will take the lead in the relationship and will be in command of all choices, changes, and nearly everything else.
The degree to which the female has decision-making authority varies by relationship, with some giving the woman entire control and others allowing the man to have a considerable say. It is up to the pair to decide, but by doing so, the relationship has a better chance of succeeding.
A Bollywood movie named KI and KA is a perfect example of a female-led relationship. It is shown that a woman is a CEO of a big company whereas the man looks after the household chores. The movie gives out a strong message that women can handle the finances of their house, and not necessarily be kept within four walls.
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