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Press the first-floor button. The elevator goes up or down. When you land on the first floor, get off the elevator! When you
land on the 10th floor you are in the other world. The woman who went up to the fifth floor may be trying to speak to you, don't answer her. You will know you are in the other world because your phone isn't working and you can't see anything through the windows except a red cross.
To return to our real world, follow the same steps. If you start to climb back to the tenth floor after the fifth floor, press any other key to cancel the climb. Once you reach the first floor, carefully examine your surroundings to make sure you are no longer in the other world. As an added disturbing bonus, this is rumored to be the game Elisa Lam was playing before her untimely death.
The picture game
If you play The Picture Game well, you will capture a photo of a ghost! To play, you will need a rope or string, two small mirrors, a camera with the flash on, a glass of alcohol, and something sharp like scissors or a knife.
 First, make a circle with the rope and tie it, then place it on the floor in the middle of the room. Place the alcohol glass in the center of the circle and, with the lights off, sit around the circle with your mirrors facing the ceiling in front of you.
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