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7. Do you follow any specific fitness routine?
Mostly yoga with some cardio thrown in. I enjoy walking, hiking and biking.
8. Do you get affected by the social media analytics?
No, but it's a great way to identify what does the audience like the most and the demographics as well.
9. Food tasting vs Wine tasting - What do you enjoy the most?
The best of both worlds, wine pairing :)
10. A book that describes you life the best.
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
 Paris Hilton - The self-made Heiress
Peaknetworth: $300million Currentnetworth: $300million

“Famous for being famous”
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The story of Ambani - the younger one - Anil Ambani

The story of Ambani - the younger one - Anil Ambani

Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates

Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates

Money Heist - The End

Money Heist - The End

The King of Good Times - Vijay Mallya

The King of Good Times - Vijay Mallya

Interview with Bhamini Puri
 Paris Hilton - The self-made Heiress
The rise and fall of Jack Ma
Nirav Modi - The Jeweller of Kings

Interview with Bhamini Puri

Paris Hilton - The self-made Heiress

The rise and fall of Jack Ma

Nirav Modi - The Jeweller of Kings

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